Rusmawan Suwarman, erus, ruse
Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011
Setiap Tahun Baru
Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011
30 tahun ya Allah
Minggu, 19 Juni 2011
Bahasa ku
Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010
Alhamdulillah, tidak ribet. Ternyata sistem administrasi di negara kita pelan-pelan membaik. Mudah-mudahan selalu begitu, dan lebih membaik. It's the bright side of Indonesia
Mengurus SKCK (Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian), ternyata mudah. Kalau di rumah saya daerah Isola Bandung, satu hari dengan santai sepertinya bisa beres. Biar ga bolak-balik, pakai jalur yang benar gini:
- Ketemuan dulu sama Pa/Bu RW, minta permohonan surat SKKB (surat Keterangan KElakuan Baik), dengan suatu alasan keperluan (misal: untuk melamar CPNS), bawa photo copy KTP.. Pak RW mengetik 5 menit jadi tuh surat
- Ke kantor Kelurahan: minta surat keterangan tentang permohonan SKKB juga, ke tingkat Kecamatan... tak tik tuk... 5 menit beres... pake mesin tik loh
- Ke kantor Kecamatan, ke bagian KTP/SKKB, minta surat SKKB, disitu biasanya diminta Pas Photo hitam putih 4x6 2 buah,dan photo copy KTP. 1 untuk dokumentasi, 1 untuk ditempel diatas SKKB. (untuk SKKB, sebetulnya sampai tahap ini sudah selesai).. sama.. dengan mesin tik juga beres 5 menitan,
- Bila perlu SKCK, datang ke Polres, mintakan SKCK dengan bawa SKKB dari kecamatan, pas photo hitam putih 4x6 2 buah, photo copy KTP, dan biaya Rp. 10.000 (harga ini resmi, dan ada peraturannya).. taktik tuk 5 menit jadi. Biasanya diminta sidik jari juga. coba klik inih
- Pergunankan SKCK sebaik-baiknya, 3 bulan expired.
Datanginya ke kantor-kantor domisilinya tapi ya!
Pembuatan surat-surat itu mungkin butuh waktu 5 menitan, kecuali kalau lagi pick-picknya (misal: kalau sedang musim penerimaan kerja yang membutuhkan SKKB/SKCK). Kalau lagi pick, tetep ya budayakan antri. Antri itu mengasyikan loh, supaya tidak boring, bawa buku bacaan yang disukai, atau bawa teman untuk ngobrol. Sekarang saatnya percayakan pada aparat, kalo aparatnya nakal, laporkan sajah (tapi kadang jadi males ya!). Sampai tingkat kecamatan tidak ada pungutan biaya, itu bagian dari hak penduduk.
tidak lupa terimakasihku pada Pa RW 02, aparat Kelurahan Isola, Kecamatan Sukasari, dan teteh petugas Polwan Bandung Barat yang cantik, ramah, dan baik hati
Rabu, 20 Januari 2010
- In the room, there is my wife --> In the room is my wife (Passive)
- A hotel lies on the hill -->On the hill lies a hotel (Aktive)
- He is not only energetic but also…. -->Not only is he energetic but also…
- Anyone is not allowed to enter under any circumstances -->Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to enter
- Present tense :
- He seldom calls me --> Seldom does he call me
- Rarely
- Scarely
- No sooner
- Not until
- If you should be interested in knowing further information, you can …. --> Should you be interested in knowing further in
"It is essential that S + V"
Sample : It is recommended that the letter must be mailed
If Condition
If – Present --> Impossible
If now were midday, I would be in the office
If – Present --> Possible
If now rained, I would not go home
If-Past --> Impossible
If I had not been here yesterday, I would not have take Mr. Rukman to go home
Senin, 09 Maret 2009
Underworld (Rise of The Lycans)
I have seen this English speak film without subtitle. It’s in order to improve my English and to gain my TOEFL score. It’s seemed to me that it can be more work if I retell this story in this blog. So I tried to do that. Please let me know if my English is poor (I believe it is so) and tell how to fix it!
It’s like a romance of the evil kind. The background of this fictive story was the hostility between two empire race, vampire and lycans race. Lycan is looks like werewolf, human with a half wolf. The humans’ race was not taking an important role in this story. Together with lycans who were arrested in vampire castle, humans were being slaves if they didn’t pay the tributes. Sometimes arrested-human have to be defenselessly if in the fool moon. Vampires gave the life human body to be eaten by the lycans who is going to be a big wolf. That’s a vampire’s entertainment and that’s were the situations on the vampires castle.
At one moment in vampire’s jail-castle, there is a lycan-newborn baby, whose mother was killed by vampire’s king, Viktor, and then he gave the baby named with Lucian. Lucian came from a loyal lycans family. Viktor let him live, more over he teaches Lucian a martial arts and weapons, when he grew-up he became a good fighter and blacksmith. Although in this circumstance, Lucian still lives near a jail and was behaved like a slave. His main job was to make weapons and watch over the castle from the Lycans attack. Sometime he has to kill some. How horrible feeling when he must to kill his own kind.
By the way, he has a forbidden love. He and Viktor’s daughter, Sonya, was in love. This love feeling brought them to a hard situation and forces him to escape from the jail. Together with other prisoners, humans and lycans, he ran out from the castle. This escapee was helped by the princess. In the outside, he beat to arms, piece together, humans and all of lycans, against the vampires. In this end of story, Lycans could defeat the empire of vampires, but Lucian has to realize that his lover has been executed because of her helped.
Jumat, 03 Oktober 2008
Eaaaa... eaaaa
Kang Jay, ngagoak jigana mah lapar
Kang Jay (KJ) : Aee aeee aeee aeeee :((
Pun Bojo (PB) : Apah.. apah..., lapar,.. pengen nenen??
KJ : Aee aeee aeee aeeee :((
PB : Aduuh meni hebaaat makannya, mmmh
KJ : Aee aeee aeee aeeee :((
PB : EEehhh kok aeee aeeee?, harusnya mah kan eaaa eaaaa, gimana ari kang jay?
KJ : Haha hahah hahah (langsung gumujeng)...
PB : Eh. gumujeng, kunaon aya nu lucuuu hmmm?
KJ : Haha hahah hahah (tapi lila-lila mah teu betah tuluy ceurik deui...) Aee aeee aeee aeeee :((
PB : Eh apan tos dipasihan terang kedahna mah eaaa
KJ : Eaaa..
PB : Naaah gituuuuu
KJ : Eaaaa... eaaaa.. eaaaa....eaaaa :((